Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Your privacy on the Internet is important to Us. As a part of the operation of this site, We gather certain types of information about users. We want you to know the types of information We gather and what we do with it.

Information We Collect
We collect two general types of information from users: personal data (such as names and e-mail addresses); and aggregate data (such as information about traffic patterns on this site; for example, how many users log into this site on a daily basis).

Personal Data
Personal data is collected when users provide information to Us, for example in registering for electronic newsletters or other membership services, in answering surveys, purchasing items from the Store, registering to bid on items available at an online auction, and/or registering for contests and other promotional opportunities provided by Us. When you register or request information on this site, We generally need you to provide your name, e-mail address, mailing address, day phone number and credit card information (only when ordering products at the Store), as well as create a username and password. In addition, if you send Us personal correspondence, such as e-mails or letters, We may collect such information into a file specific to you.